On display weekends through Sept. 26.
Fridays - 5pm to 8pm
Saturdays - 1pm to 5pm
Sundays - 1pm to 5pm
Special Events:
Sept. 17th at 1pm-3pm (rain date, Sept. 24th): “Paddling with Naturalists on the Esopus,” Lower Esopus Community Outreach, with ShoutOut Saugerties’ artists, looks at the creek from above and beneath. Launch from Saugerties Beach. Free. Reservations required through Eventbrite. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/paddling-with-naturalists-on-the-esopus-tickets-169864422059
Sept. 19th at 3pm: CLIMATE THERAPY with Paul McMahon, and ART/LIFE THERAPY... Laughing & Crying,” Linda Montano
Sept. 26th, 4pm, Special Guests from @Riverkeeper