“Tranquility Trail” by Angela-Gaffney Smith
The “Tranquility Trail” is a public mural celebrating the flora and fauna of the Esopus preserve at the Saugerties Village Beach Park. The mural was designed and executed by Angela Gaffney-Smith, assisted by artists Edith Bolt and Joanne Pagano Weber. The mural project was a production of ShoutOut Saugerties in partnership with Smith Hardware.
Artist’s statement:
Artist Angela Gaffney-Smith gives an artist’s statement at the opening celebration.
I stood over by a hundred-year-old maple tree at the Saugerties Beach looking at the building where I would paint a mural. Immediately a flowing line popped into my head. I’ve been drawing these CALLIGRAPHIC lines and shapes ever since I can remember. I thought about how calm, how tranquil I feel when I’m walking in the woods, ESPECIALLY in these turbulent times.
There’s an energy you can’t see but is present & connects us all, whether you call it qi, or spirit or quantum physics. We are all connected to this place, to people, plants, animals around us. The yellow line represents that intertwining energy. I’m fascinated with the communication between trees and the mycelium, the fungus network, beneath them and how they work together. The golden line and the root connection, shows what you can’t see is as important as what is visible above the ground. I didn’t think about species but about personalities when I drew the trees with branches like outstretched arms, like they’re dancing. Over on the east side –birds such as osprey and egret, wood duck and mallard have a close relationship to the Esopus, along with reeds and plants that thrive along the creek and offer food and protection.
I call the mural style illuminated manuscript meets art nouveau. Joanne Pagano-Weber said “It’s like Pop Art met Cubism.” I create collage from my original watercolors, linocuts and monotypes. I see the influence of collage in the Tranquility Trail mural where color, line and shapes take an unexpected turn. You can see more of my collage and watercolor on my website & Instagram @angelagaffneysmith.
Town Board member John Schoonmaker speaks to the crowd at the opening celebration.
The mural has revitalized the park, sparking curiosity about our natural world. It will serve as an engaging backdrop to many social gatherings and cultural events for years to come.
View of the mural at night.